
Intesa Sanpaolo's social commitment to reducing inequalities

The image accompanying the News on the speech by Paolo Bonassi - Chief Social Impact Officer at the event organized by UNHCR on the occasion of World Refugee Day, portrays a mother with her eight-month-old daughter at the Italian border of Fernetti from Slovenia after a 30-hour bus ride from their hometown in southern Ukraine

Chief Social Impact Officer Paolo Bonassi participated in the event organised by UNHCR on World Refugee Day, reviewing some of the activities in which the Bank has worked alongside UNHCR in recent years and underlining the importance of Intesa Sanpaolo for Social Impact, the new Intesa Sanpaolo organisational unit dedicated to reducing inequality and poverty in Italy.

"All organisations – but especially businesses – are called upon to intensify their ESG commitment, with a particular focus on the ‘S’ of ‘social’ by striving to ensure that the partnership between the public, private and private social sectors becomes the driver of ever greater inclusion and social cohesion"


Paolo Bonassi - Chief Social Impact Officer

Intesa Sanpaolo for Social Impact

Intesa Sanpaolo with UNHCR
