
Intesa Sanpaolo for Social Impact: commitment to transform society

The image accompanying the news on Paolo Bonassi's interview with Avvenire, dedicated to Intesa Sanpaolo's social impact activities, portrays volunteers placing food and drinks in some boxes for distribution to those in need

Succeeding in “being in the driver’s seat among the many actors in the social field” and “having a structural, transformative impact on society, anticipating the needs of our day”. These are the goals of Intesa Sanpaolo's social commitment described by Paolo Bonassi, Chief Social Impact Officer, in an interview with L'Economia civile, a fortnightly insert of Avvenire.

The partnership between the for-profit and non-profit organisations – between the public, private and private social sectors – is Intesa Sanpaolo's way of pursuing its commitment to the sector: "We need to focus on those local stakeholders who can bring together the community," said Bonassi, "so as to overcome the fragmentation of local initiatives," thus multiplying their positive effects and ensuring broader reach.

Robotics and artificial intelligence could be useful tools, Bonassi says, to identify society's needs before they emerge.

Paolo Bonassi wants to make Intesa Sanpaolo for Social Impact – the organisational unit for which he is responsible – a beacon for the community. "We are working on setting up a monitoring centre to help us identify the needs of these communities," Bonassi explained. In cooperation with the other active observers, it will help steer activities and optimise initiatives.  

Numbers and activities of Intesa Sanpaolo for Social Impact

Intesa Sanpaolo for Social Impact is based in Brescia and was set up in 2023 to combat poverty and promote social inclusion. Made up of more than 1,000 professionals, it was created at the behest of CEO Carlo Messina, who is closely monitoring its development.

Intesa Sanpaolo completed 36.8 million interventions to support the community and the territory in 2022 and 2023. In further detail:

  • 30 million meals
  • 3.3 million beds
  • over 3.2 million medicines
  • over 446,000 items of clothing.

Intesa Sanpaolo's activities in the social sector focus on measures to combat food, educational and health-related poverty. Its partners include Banco Farmaceutico, Caritas and Banco Alimentare.

Intesa Sanpaolo is also committed to social, cultural and financial inclusion programmes.

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