
At the Gallerie d'Italia - Vicenza the “Illustrissimo Javier Jaén”

The image that accompanies the News on the “Illustrissimo Javier Jaén” exhibition that the Gallerie d'Italia – Vicenza dedicates to the artist and the best of contemporary illustration, portrays a work by Javier Jaén with a goldfish suspended in the blue but outside your own bubble/aquarium

With Javier Jaén's solo exhibition entitled “Illustrissimo Javier Jaén”, the Gallerie d'Italia - Vicenza confirms its identity as a place devoted to the finest contemporary illustration.

Javier Jaén's (Barcelona, 1983) professional work focuses on editorial illustrations, book covers and cultural communications for the world's most famous publications and institutions. His work is characterised by a highly personal and conceptual style, sometimes playful and sometimes corrosive, capable of unexpected metaphors and visual paradoxes.

The artist says of himself: "My main job is translation. I translate concepts and stories into pictures. I use graphic design, illustration and photography as key ingredients in my work, but I don’t feel like a graphic designer, illustrator or photographer. They are just disciplines that help me dress up ideas”.

Awarded by AGI Membership, Society of Illustrators, American Illustration and many others, Javier Jaén has worked, for example, for The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Washington Post, Time, Harvard University, National Geographic, El País, Penguin Random House, Vueling Airlines and UNESCO.

The exhibition is organised as part of the sixth edition of “Illustri Festival”, an event held every two years, dedicated to the best contemporary illustration that makes Vicenza, thanks to three months of exhibitions and initiatives, the first Italian city of this art form.

The Vicenza museum, along with those of Milan, Turin and Naples, is part of Intesa Sanpaolo's Gallerie d'Italia museum project.

Open to the public from 28 June to 27 October 2024.

For information on timetables and admission, please visit the Gallerie d'Italia website.
