
Great photography at the Gallerie d'Italia-Turin with "Antonio Biasiucci. Arca"

L’immagine che accompagna la News sulla mostra fotografica “Antonio Biasiucci. Arca” alle Gallerie d’Italia – Torino, ritrae l’opera Corpo Ligneo

Third instalment of the project “La Grande Fotografia Italiana” (Great Italian Photography) curated by Roberto Koch, the exhibition "Antonio Biasiucci. Arca" opening at the Gallerie d'Italia – Turin is dedicated to one of the most interesting, innovative contemporary masters of our time.

Biasiucci, originally from Campania, transfigured his reality and his roots through the camera: poetically engaged in representing the rituals and seasons of the countryside, he portrayed rural life with melancholy and visionary flair.

The exhibition includes more than 250 photographs, bringing together for the first time the different chapters of Biasiucci's “utopian poem”: powerful polyptychs, sequences of images and single works that offer a poetic representation of human life, touching on the profound themes of existence, starting from the artist's personal experience, which shaped his character and sensibilities.

The deep blackness in which everything is often shrouded in Biasiucci's photographs recalls the essential, like the Ark's archetypes, which gave the exhibition its name.

Organised under the patronage of the Piedmont Region and the City of Turin, the exhibition is one of the most important exhibitions dedicated to Biasiucci, covering a very broad period of his oeuvre.

As with all the instalments of “La Grande Fotografia Italiana”, this exhibition involves another artist–Mimmo Paladino–in an intimate dialogue with Biasiucci's photographs through his primitive drawings and numbers etched in black ink.

The project “La Grande Fotografia Italiana” , launched in 2022 with the exhibition dedicated to Lisetta Carmi and continued in 2023 with Mimmo Jodice, aims to pay tribute to the great masters of 20th century photography in Italy.

The Turin museum, along with those of MilanNaples and Vicenza, is part of Intesa Sanpaolo's Gallerie d’Italia museum project.

Open to the public from 27 June 2024 to 6 January 2025.

For information on timetables and admission, please visit the Gallerie d'Italia website.
