Innovation and cybersecurity

Digital transformation

Intesa Sanpaolo intends to maintain sustainable business growth by leveraging the active involvement of people and a cutting-edge digital infrastructure. By extending digitalization and dematerialization to all processes, the Bank intends to help accelerate the digital transformation of customers, who can count on an innovative, inclusive and fully integrated digital platform with the physical network.


The digital transformation of the Bank

In terms of innovation in customer relationship methods, the digitalisation of credit granting processes and the availability of products (e.g. insurance) on apps and internet banking were extended and the path of strong acceleration of digital payments continued with new solutions and functional innovations to make mobile one of the key channels in interactions with customers.

The activities carried out to further integrate the contact channels and improve the offer and the user experience have also earned the Intesa Sanpaolo Mobile app the confirmation of Overall Digital Experience Leader in EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) in 2023. in the ranking of the US research company Forrester.


75 m digital payment


2,000 new hires in tech area


266 m digital payments
(136.8 m in 2022)


686 people hired in tech area


>12.5 m multichannel customers


>2 bn login to the Intesa Sanpaolo Mobile App


40% sales on digital channels 
on the total sales of products and services of Banca dei Territori

With the 2022-2025 Business Plan, Intesa Sanpaolo continues the path - already started in previous years - of digitalisation, innovation and multi-channelling, which involves the progressive and in-depth review of the IT platform, the streamlining of the operating model and the transformation towards the cloud.

Among the most important initiatives is the agreement signed with TIM and Google for the migration of a significant part of Intesa Sanpaolo's information system in Google's cloud services, which will meet the highest standards of information security and confidentiality, allowing Italian families and businesses to take advantage of the technological and economic advantages of cloud computing in a safe and sustainable way, with a decisive contribution to the acceleration of the country's digitalisation.

Artificial intelligence is increasingly an important technological lever for promoting new business opportunities, increasing operational efficiency and further improving risk management. During 2023, the AIxeleration program was launched with technological partners (e.g. Google and Microsoft) and academics (e.g. London University) and with CENTAI (Intesa Sanpaolo's research center for AI), to scale up adoption of artificial intelligence in the Group in a sustainable, responsible and homogeneous way across all Divisions.


75 AI use cases


> 150 AI Specialists dedicated

Isybank: the new digital bank

Isybank is the Group's new digital bank, launched in June 2023 as envisaged in the Business Plan. It is based on a new cloud-native digital platform, developed in partnership with leading fintech Thought Machine, which allows it to serve customers in the retail segment who are predominantly digital users of banking services and oriented towards mobile banking.

Consistent with the needs of this segment of customers, Isybank was conceived according to criteria of simplicity, accessibility, inclusiveness and security, maintaining the possibility of a direct relationship with the managers of the Digital Branch, as Intesa Sanpaolo's approach is to preserve the value of people in interaction with the customer.


60,000 current accounts already opened by customers


400 new customers per day


25 million operations carried out


€1.7bn direct deposits

Spread of digital culture

The development of new digital services and new methods of managing relationships, even remotely, with customers and the conscious use of new tools and processes also require investments in training for the diffusion of digital culture both inside and outside the Group.

Within the Group, the change management system of the OTTOMILA! portal supported almost 45,000 people of the Banca dei Territori Division towards digital transformation with the Vividigitale format and with Vivichat remote meetings: an information and in-depth program dedicated to priority topics, strategic projects and new services and products.

These tools are accompanied by the activity of raising people's awareness also through publication on the OTTOMILA! portal. of specific contents, dedicated, among others, to the conscious and safe use of new tools and processes, to remote collaboration and to the management of relationships with customers even remotely, providing food for thought and encouraging people's contributions.


195 Vivichat and Vividigitale online sessions


84,000 participants

Externally, the Group has developed, in collaboration with Google Cloud and Noovle (cloud company of the TIM Group), an Opening Future portal, through which it promotes initiatives aimed at spreading a digital culture and building a "green" IT in Italy. By exploiting the technological capabilities of partner companies on technology and artificial intelligence, it continued to strengthen the free training offer for the community (students and teachers, SMEs and startups). Furthermore, the Center of Excellence in Turin is operational for the development of new products and specific training initiatives, accelerated by artificial intelligence. During 2023, over 1,800 SMEs, startups and fintechs were involved and 5,000 people (students and teachers) participated in training initiatives.

Digital technology for accessibility

New digital technologies also make it possible to improve accessibility to bank services, for example through automatic ATM machines equipped with a highly readable graphic interface for visually impaired people and headphones for listening to voice guidance for non-visual customers. sighted.

During 2022, accessibility settings were introduced on institutional and commercial websites and on the App, to promote the digital inclusion of all users and customers with visual disabilities. In 2023, in compliance with the relevant legislation, accessibility statements were published on all touchpoints (sites and apps) in the perimeter, the mechanism for collecting and managing any customer reports was activated and the remedy on some priority touchpoints. In order to broaden the accessibility of the Group's documents both on the website and on the company intranet, the collaboration continued with the LIA Foundation (Accessible Italian Books) which has been working with the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired for years.

The improvement in accessibility also affects Foreign Banks, which in 2023 continued the adaptation of mobile and web applications according to the requirements of the European Accessibility Act, which allow the use of the platforms by people with disabilities, offering the service in English and in the local language.

Insights, events and sustainability projects




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